Decks & Gazebos

Decks are custom designed personally with the company owner. We have a large selection of photographs of our completed work to help you see what your project will look like. We also have a creative ability to help you design your project if you wish it to look like no one else’s.

We build decks from simple to extravagant. They can include benches, counters, storage areas, privacy walls, safety gates, gazebos, custom handrails, steps and more. Projects can be built from cedar or pressure treated lumber. Designer series flooring can accent the deck to the highest regard and still remain within your budget. Which will finalize the deck with beauty and functionality instead of a basic floor. When building your deck, putting quality first, makes them last for you. Beautiful Deck & Gazebo picture
Gazebo Gazebos can be custom built at your location or be pre-built Amish gazebos. Often gazebos are built into decks, but they are also very nice by themselves. Gazebos can be in a garden, on a hill, by a pool or have a hot tub in them. Gazebos can be open screened, glassed or some other design or yours’ our ours’.

Build by Design

As company owner, I personally work with you to design your home improvement. Most decks, patios and walks are custom designed based on your preferences. I also have a large selection of deck, patio and walk designs that worked well for other home owners that you may choose form, or get ideas for yours.

Decks can include benches, lighting, counters, storage areas, pools and spas, privacy fences, safety gates, gazebos brick patios-walks and custom steps.

Decks can be built with pressure treated, cedar,  Trex Vinyl or PVC. Choose a Designer Series flooring pattern and a baluster style that will enhance the aesthetics of your deck. Designer Series flooring finalizes the deck with beauty and functionality instead of a boring repetitive flooring. We were also the #1 Homearama Deck Designer/Builder. (Designer Series Flooring is a Trademark of FloeserContracting)

Our 5 Principles

We use IMAGINATION to your advantage to help create your deck and outdoor projects. The possibilities are endless. Here are a few ideas as well as some construction tips that you can use to make your deck stand out from the rest.

We think PERSPECTIVE is important. Before we design your deck we will tour your backyard. We will see how the home is positioned on the lot. Consider the landscaping, what modifications have to be made, if any. Then we will go inside to take note of the view through windows and doors that overlook the area where the deck will be. My goal is to design a deck that can be integrated with the home and yard, while complementing your yard.

We think UTILITY is important. How will you use your deck? Think in terms of outdoor rooms- cooking areas, dining areas, play areas, entertainment areas, and areas simply for relaxing. Many decks will provide all of these areas or just the areas desired by you.

We are conscious of EXPOSURE. Will the deck be visible from the road, will the deck have sun, shade, and privacy. Should the area be glassed or screened.

We are concerned about PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS. We will call the utilities for underground cables and pipes. We check for overhead wires. Designs can be made around trees or natural features that will complement the deck.

We also DESIGN from the top down. We position benches and tables around the perimeters to maximize space. Floeser Contracting offers a good looking system of furniture and rails that can be installed on any deck , as well as a wide selection of other distinctive deck components that make it easy to customize any design. We will prepare a WORKING DRAWING to show you how your deck will look. We will also draw a copy for submission to the town for the building permit, which most towns in Monroe county require.

We use engineered SPAN TABLES to determine the selection of materials for the decks we design. We avoid extended joist spans so there will be no bounce to the deck.

WE CHOOSE MATERIALS CAREFULLY. The quality and appearance of the treated lumber varies widely. Selection of the best lumber is the first step in assuring the finest construction materials for the outdoor project we will build for you. We only use number one hand picked pressure treated or cedar per your choice.

Our emphasis is also on CRAFTSMANSHIP in everything we do. The following are a few items that we believe in that will make your deck the finest possible.

1) Post and beam construction is strictly more secure than just posts holding up your deck. Posts should be set on concrete footers but not in concrete or they will rot.

2) We prefer to use carriage bolts at major connections from beams to posts. Only when the deck is attached to the home are lag bolts used .

3) If the deck is to be attached to the home, we fasten the ledger board securely to the home with carriage bolts or lag bolts, this depends on your home. We use metal joist hangers on the ledger to hold the joists to the home securely. Just the ledger alone is not enough support.

4) If joists are longer than eight feet, we use blocking between the joists at staggered intervals. This increases the floor strength by joining the joists together as well as stops the joists from twisting or warping.

5) We install the deck boards tight together. As the lumber shrinks, the boards will space themselves, so that the water and snow can pass through the floor.

6) We try to avoid butt joists whenever possible. Because there is a tendency for lumber to swell and shrink with changing water cycles, there is a tendency for twisting and separation to occur at the joists. We have installed many floors with new and exciting patterns that will eliminate these problems. The deck of the nineties can be as long as they need to be for our customers and we do not have to be limited to the length of the lumber to prevent butt seams.

7) We attach the handrail, bench and privacy fence deck posts to the joist system with bolts. We do not run support posts from the concrete to the deck and then up to the handrail because these "support posts" are most likely to twist and turn away from the rail than having a separate handrail post used for the handrails. The deck support posts should do just that, support the deck, and not the handrail system.

I hope the above information will help you in making your decision in having a quality contractor, Floeser Contracting will assist you in the design and construction of your deck.